

d.light, East Africa

I am a peasant farmer and sometimes I didn’t have enough money to buy kerosene to light up my home. I would spend 50 shillings a day on kerosene and around 350 shillings ($3) a week. My children used to get sick from the kerosene lamp.

I would have to use one light to light up all four of the children’s beds, and I was always worried about their safety.

I bought a d.light a year ago. The lantern is easier to use and very cheap compared to the kerosene lamp. Before d.light, my children had to study in the dark. My children can study now at night and are doing well in school. Now I save a lot more money.

The money I used to spend on kerosene I save and put toward my children’s school fees. It has helped me to expand my small business. I run a small kiosk, so now I can keep my kiosk open later using the light.

Rose is a mother of four and a customer of Acumen investee, d.light

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