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Woman smiles while holding a basket of freshly picked chicken eggs in East Africa

It’s in our DNA. It guides our ideation, our investments, and underpins our insights. It’s led us to re-invent the rules of return.

An impact strategy two decades in the making

Our impact-first approach has informed our strategy from the beginning. In the last two decades, we have learned how to bring together the right capital, community, and knowledge at the right time.

Data that connects the dots

Every metric tells a story. Our impact framework helps us collect and convert meaningful data into action. We measure impact across customer, company, and ecosystem.

Customers are the experts on the impact a new product or service has on their lives. We listen deeply to track metrics like first-time access to critical goods and service and improvements in quality of life, income, and climate resilience.

Our portfolio companies are driven to create meaningful social impact and sustainable financial returns. We measure how many people our companies reach and how gender inclusion and climate resilience influence their business models.

An ecosystem of collaboration is needed to understand and build markets that serve the poor. We aim to advance systemic impact beyond individual investments by collaborating with companies, value chain stakeholders, governments, and capital providers.

Man speaks with Easy Solar representative in his yard
Two women walk through a Indian city neighborhood
Worker seals bag of Fertilizer for shipping in busy East African processing facility

Measuring what matters

Impact measurement across our portfolio and regions has three pillars: poverty focus, breadth, and depth. These metrics help drive our investment decisions and build inclusive markets delivering products and services to the poor.

The depth of our impact through deep dive surveys with our companies

(n=28) first-time access for customers to a good or service
(n=16) significant increase in income for customers
(n=27) significant improvement in the lives of customers
(n=28) Net Promoter Score of our companies

Explore case studies

The impact of innovative business models shines in these examples of entrepreneurs building a more inclusive world.

Haqdarshak team members Preeti Singh (C) and Beenu Kumari (R) walk around in the slum area of Dilshad garden in New Delhi, India, March 6, 2020. Photo by Saumya Khandelwal

Redefining impact data collection

In 2019 Acumen spun off an impact measurement company, 60 Decibels, based on our unique lean data approach. Lean Data is now widely used by impact investors to hear and learn directly from customers.

More about Acumen

Problems we solve

We focus on solving problems across the five strategic sectors of energy, agriculture, workforce, health, and education.

Where we work

We work in some of the hardest to reach communities on the planet, from Africa to India, Latin America to the United States.