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East Africa

Women cheerful smiles while running her grocery store in East Africa

Based in Nairobi since 2008, we invest in local enterprises in education, climate-resilient agriculture, and clean energy.

  • Agriculture
  • Education
  • Energy

Our impact in East Africa

deployed for breakthrough innovations
companies supported on their journey
lives reached through market-based solutions
Academy alumni dedicated to social change

With some of the fastest-growing economies in the world, East Africa is poised for possibility.

Across East Africa, 200 million people live in poverty as the region faces rapid urbanization and climate challenges. We’re investing in cutting-edge solutions that solve these urgent problems.

Eighty percent of the population relies on agriculture for income, and smallholder farmers face low productivity and income instability. We focus on helping smallholder farmers increase yields and incomes with climate-resilient practices and access to markets.

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With free and affordable public education, millions more children are enrolled in primary schools but the increase in access has caused education quality to suffer. We are dedicated to improving access to quality education for low-income learners across East Africa.

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About half of the population lacks access to electricity, which inhibits the region from reaching its economic potential. We’re committed to ending energy poverty by providing access to unelectrified households, decarbonizing rural livelihoods, and building clean energy infrastructure.

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Man tends to a large crop field in East Africa
Family sits around table helping children with their homework under solar-powered lighting
Technician inspects and cleans solar panel in East Africa field

Repairing broken systems, from the ground up

The solutions exist and they’re within our reach. See how we’re solving problems of poverty in East Africa.

Meet the leaders of the future.

The Foundry is our global community of more than 1,600 alumni. Accompanied with the tools, connections, and capital required to scale their impact, these leaders draw on shared wisdom and experience as they navigate the often difficult path of social entrepreneurship.

Our Partners

Hilton foundation
Ikea Foundation Logo
Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft Confederation Suisse Confederazione Svizzera Confederaziun svira (SDC) Logo
The Elma Philanthropies Logo
UBS Optimus Foundation Logo

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