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Man tends to a large crop field in East Africa

We are determined to break the cycle of poverty.

Acumen means impact.

Every investment we make, company we scale, and community we cultivate is designed to serve people living in poverty.

We believe in metrics and magic.

We approach our work with a rigorous attention to detail and data. But something like magic happens when you build bridges between different worlds and allow them to connect, collaborate, and create something greater than the sum of its parts.

Woman picks flowers from bush in West African farm
Our manifesto

The opposite of poverty isn’t wealth, it’s dignity.

This is our North Star. Dignity isn’t handouts. It’s giving people the freedom to make decisions, have agency, and contribute to society.

Where we work

We go wherever we see the greatest potential for impact. Our work extends across four continents and encompasses some of the hardest to reachcommunities on the planet.

Our founder

Jacqueline Novogratz started Acumen in 2001 with the radical idea to change the way the world tackles poverty.

About us

We’re equal parts dreamers and builders. We’re dedicated to a future designed with dignity.