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Applying Acumen’s Principles to Address COVID-19

As the year began, no one could have anticipated the havoc wrought by the COVID-19 pandemic. As of this writing, more than 809,000 people have died and 23.4 million have been afflicted worldwide. In the United States, low-income people and people of color have been affected in grossly disproportionate numbers. And more than 28 million … Continued

New Investment: Tailored Healthcare for Underserved Seniors

Acumen America has invested in Zing Health, a health insurance plan ensuring underserved Senior Citizens have access to better care. THE CHALLENGE: Disparities in Access to Quality Healthcare for Seniors Americans enrolled in Medicare are covered by one of two health insurance plans: original Medicare, whereby the government is billed directly for medical costs, or … Continued

Mentalidad de “startup”: una ventaja frente a las crisis

Para ser emprendedor, se debe poseer una mezcla de muchas características personales. Se necesita paciencia, visión, valentía; y para Marta, Fundadora y Directora de Wasi Organics, se necesita tener un fuerte sentido de urgencia y tomar decisiones rápidas, algo que ha sido de mucha utilidad en los tiempos de incertidumbre, que ha traído esta pandemia … Continued

New Investment: Mental Health Support for Low-Income Youth of Color

Acumen has invested in MindRight Health, a health tech company increasing access to inclusive mental health support for low-income youth of color with its text-message-based coaching service. THE CHALLENGE In the United States, low-income youth experience frightening or threatening situations—from financial hardship to physical violence—with alarming regularity, especially in communities of color. As a result, … Continued

¿Sabes qué significa ser un “Fellow” para Acumen?

Desde hace 14 años con la creación del primer Programa de Fellows, Acumen le ha apostado a la formación y entrenamiento de cientos de líderes alrededor del mundo que estén comprometidos con la generación de cambios sistémicos en sus comunidades, países y regiones. Esto se enmarca en la firme convicción de poder transformar el mundo … Continued

Scaling Cleaner Cooking Solutions in East Africa

It’s hard to believe that amidst all the technological innovation of the twenty-first century, 2.6 billion people around the world still have to use open fires to cook their meals.1 This is not just a problem of the inconvenience of outdated technology, but of health: more than 4 million people—the majority of whom are women … Continued