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Ampersand is leading the e-mobility revolution across Africa

Call them boda bodas, piki pikis, or motos. Motorbike taxis are an increasingly popular mode of transportation in East Africa. And for good reason. They are an affordable, convenient, and zippy form of travel in the region’s bustling meccas.  For the last 50 years, the mass of motorized bikes has played a key role in … Continued

Social innovation’s toll: Experimenting with vulnerable communities

Content Warning: This post contains mention of suicide. If you need support, please seek assistance through available resources.   Social innovators – inclusive of investors like Acumen and the entrepreneurs we fund – walk a fine line. We invest in early-stage companies to address problems of poverty, but to do that our investees must work closely … Continued

El milagro del Camu Camu

“A Puerto Leguízamo solo se llega en avión o en deslizador” dice Nini Johana Medina, una pequeña productora de Camu Camu y una de las mujeres que hacen parte de la cadena de suministro de Selva Nevada, cuando habla de las dificultades de vivir en este municipio del departamento de Putumayo al sur del país. … Continued

The risk and reward of bringing modern energy to hard-to-reach markets

In a world where electricity is an everyday convenience for billions, there are still 675 million people living without access to this essential resource. A staggering 80% of these individuals reside in sub-Saharan Africa, their lives out of the spotlight, and lacking the opportunities that electricity could bring. Amidst this challenging landscape, a group of … Continued

What women entrepreneurs need: Investing in gender equity

Women entrepreneurs are driving innovation and designing solutions to the biggest issues of our time – the climate crisis, food security, maternal care, and more. But they still face myriad barriers, including systemic bias and exclusion from traditional investment structures, lack of investment readiness, and most fundamentally, restrictive gender norms. These challenges are exacerbated for … Continued

500 millones de vidas impactadas

En diciembre de 2022 superamos las 500 millones de vidas impactadas. Un hito importante que demuestra el avance y el progreso significativo en nuestra misión de abordar los retos relacionados a la pobreza. La cifra total de personas beneficiadas asciende a 501,2 millones, con una inversión de 154 millones de dólares en 167 empresas sociales … Continued

Impact at the edge: Making every voice count

“I was nearly losing hope in my cocoa farm. With [Acumen investee Lizard Earth’s] presence, I got new skills on how to maintain my farm and how to make soap for sale.” That is what a 60-year-old farmer in Sierra Leone said to a researcher while passing the phone to his friend for another interview.  … Continued