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Affect Therapeutics

Revolutionizing recovery from stimulant abuse

  • Company
  • Healthcare
  • America
  • 2021
  • Active

The challenge

Stimulant addiction is a large and growing problem in the U.S., affecting 14 million Americans with disproportionate presence in low-income communities. Over the last decade, meth-related deaths have increased 650%, becoming the leading cause of drug-related death west of the Mississippi. There is no agreed-upon standard of care for stimulant use disorder, resulting in high health care costs and over-reliance on criminalization, exacerbating and reinforcing the adverse impact of stimulant use in low-income communities.

The innovation

Affect Therapeutics provides a rewards-driven mobile platform combining a digital therapeutic app with an integrated care team to revolutionize standard of care for stimulant addiction. The platform includes proven behavioral incentives to meet patients where they are, real-time treatment improvements that drive positive outcomes and reduce health care costs, and personalized coaching and empathetic counseling.