Basix Krishi Samruddhi Limited
Delivering training and technical assistance to smallholder farmers
- Company
- Agriculture
- India
- 2012
- Active
The challenge
Many of India’s 85 million smallholder farms rely on traditional agricultural knowledge passed down from their forebearers and lack information about contemporary best practices that would increase farm productivity. Almost 60 percent lack any access to extension services. While some extension services broadcast information over radio and via SMS, instruction in many productivity-enhancing services such as livestock vaccination, artificial insemination, and scientific analysis of soil nutrients require in-person contact.
The innovation
BASIX Krishi uses a network of trained Livelihood Service Providers (LSPs) who deliver in-person extension service to farmers. In return for an upfront subscription fee, farmers get access to a minimum of one visit every two weeks to their farm and on-call support for queries or questions they may have. The company delivers high-quality extension services to its customers including de-worming, fodder management for livestock, soil testing, and training for integrated pest management for crops.
The impact
The BASIX Krishi model can increase smallholder farmer incomes by an estimated 30% through a combination of improved productivity and reduced input costs.