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Supporting smallholders by minimizing post-harvest losses, while providing access to markets

  • Company
  • Agriculture
  • West Africa
  • 2023
  • Active

The Challenge

Nigeria experiences a staggering loss of $8 billion annually due to post-harvest losses, driven by poor infrastructure. These losses lead to compromised food quality, heightened food insecurity, and decreased incomes for millions of smallholder farmers. The cereal and grains sector is particularly affected, with high post-harvest losses resulting from the use of lengthy and inefficient traditional methods such as sun drying, which increases the risk of contamination by foreign material.

The Innovation

CropSafe developed a groundbreaking method for drying and preserving grains that prevents infestations during storage for up to three years. Using a heat disinfestation process, CropSafe’s dryers can efficiently dry grains in seven hours, preserving them for five hours before bagging for storage or transportation. This cutting-edge approach stands in stark contrast to traditional methods that can take up to three weeks for drying and lack adequate protection against infestations.