Gram Vaani

Bridging the information gap in media-dark areas of India
- Company
- Workforce
- India
- 2023
- Active
The challenge
Ensuring access to information is essential for citizen engagement, empowerment, and holding those in power accountable. While the internet and smartphones have increased information availability, underserved communities still struggle to access crucial information on government welfare, health, agriculture, child and women development, workforce, and labor rights. This is primarily due to low awareness, limited relevant content, and non-inclusive communication channels.
The innovation
Gram Vaani aims to tackle the issue of information inequality by employing a hybrid model that combines a technical platform with offline community engagement and locally relevant content in vernacular languages. The platform prioritizes community-driven content creation, fostering a sense of empowerment among its users. With successful implementation in 25+ districts and support for 8 languages, Gram Vaani has established a trusted platform that has served over 3 million unique callers, providing them with accessible and timely information.
Gram Vaani believes that enhancing information access, particularly for marginalized communities, contributes to increased accountability and the development of an inclusive society. Investing in reducing information asymmetry can have far-reaching effects, such as improved governance, reduced corruption, diminished gender inequality, inclusive economic growth, and greater respect for human rights. Therefore, the benefits of increased awareness extend to society as a whole.