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Bavidra Mohan

Fundraising Director, Academy

  • New York

Bavidra is the Fundraising Director of Acumen Academy, focused on the Global Expansion of our Fellows program. Bavidra started his career as a Social Strategy Consultant with JWT, helping Fortune 500’s create shared value by aligning social impact with overarching business strategy. In 2011, Bavidra was selected as an Acumen Global Fellow where he was placed with d.light design in Shenzhen and New Delhi, working on brand development, product launches and new product innovation. Upon completion of the Global Fellowship, Bavidra co-founded a technology start-up in San Francisco that built mobile products for sustainable urban mobility. Bavidra went on to spend four years in the Acumen Mumbai office, launching and leading the Acumen India Fellows Program as well as heading up Strategic Partnerships. He holds a bachelor’s in Sociology for Queen’s University and a master’s from Kingston University.