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What we do

Man throws coconuts from a boat to a dry dock in Colombia

We invest in entrepreneurs and help them build a more inclusive world.

More than half a billion lives impacted and counting

Our work combines the best qualities of philanthropy and business to spark transformational change and break the cycle of poverty.

An ecosystem of impact

There are three key components of our work that are deeply connected. We cultivate leaders, provide capital and catalyze markets.

We invest in businesses that solve problems of poverty. These businesses not only create jobs in local communities, they provide vital products and services that help people transform their lives.

Acumen Ventures

Rather than treat portfolio companies as one-off investments, we help them connect and scale, network and collaborate. This leads to purpose-built markets that have the potential to eliminate poverty.

At Acumen Academy, entrepreneurs learn the hard skills required to build scalable solutions to poverty and hone the harder skills of moral leadership. It’s a life-long community with more than 1,600 innovators.

Acumen Academy
Man and women ride a motorcycle in East Africa while carrying solar panel equipment
Workers checking bags of dried fruits in a facility in West Africa
Several West African Acumen foundry members pose for a photo
Interactive map

The problems of poverty are global. The solutions must be local.

No matter how remote the village or how abject the poverty, you’ll find us on the ground with local offices and regional teams to guide our work and shape our strategies.

Merging the best qualities of philanthropy and business to spark transformational change. This takes Acumen.


Years of experience have taught us where our investments can have the greatest impact.