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“Fui Criada Como un Niño Para Poder Acceder a la Educación”

La travesía de una mujer en la búsqueda de una mejor vida para Pakistán Shamim Akhtar se ve pequeña pero tiene una presencia muy poderosa. Con su metro y cincuenta y dos centímetros de altura, vistiendo un llamativo hiyab teñido de rojo y con un lápiz labial que le hace juego, muestra templanza y fortaleza. … Continued

In Response: Why we believe The Economist should reconsider their doubts regarding the impact of electrification on the poor

The Economist recently published an article questioning the cost of investing in energy access versus the benefits for energy access customers. Our partners at CrossBoundary, an investment advisory firm based in Nairobi, published a response to the article that fact checks The Economist article’s claims and dispels some of the misinterpretations made by The Economist … Continued

For the Love of Chocolate

Ama Fosuah and Kofi Saara are a Ghanaian couple who work together to tend their cocoa farm on the border of the Kikum National Park. They’ve weathered many storms together, expanding their farm over the years to increase their family’s income, staving off forest elephants who live in the nearby national park and finding ways … Continued

Los siete principios que hemos aprendido de invertir en liderazgo

Para crear un cambio significativo y verdadero, los líderes de hoy deben incorporar en su vida una mentalidad emprendedora y la voluntad de reunir bajo un mismo techo diversas comunidades para ser capaces de cambiar sistemas. Después de más de una década invirtiendo en líderes, tenemos una comunidad de 546 Fellows alrededor del mundo, y … Continued

Launching Acumen’s 2019 Leadership Report & Future Vision

To create meaningful change, today’s leaders must embody an entrepreneurial mindset and the willingness to bring diverse communities together to shift systems. After more than a decade investing in leaders, we have a community of 546 Fellows and have reached more than 400,000 learners with our +Acumen courses. In our new 2019 Leadership Report, we … Continued