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Girl at a desk smiles as her classmates settle down for class

We are closing the education gap in East Africa by improving access to quality learning for low-income communities.

  • East Africa

Our global impact in education

01 01234567 M
lives impacted by our education investees
$ 01234567 M
deployed across four regions
01 012
companies supported since 2012
01 012
years of investing in the sector

Access to quality learning changes lives.

Quality education opens up pathways out of poverty but so often low-income families lack high-quality, affordable options, which leads to high dropout and youth unemployment rates.

Acumen made its first education investment in 2012 in Hippocampus, an Indian company that trained women to become early childhood educators in rural areas. We’ve since found success in sector enablers, such as school management software and school finance.

With the experience we’ve gained from over a decade of investing across four regions, we’ve learned that education needs to be tackled holistically. It is not enough to focus only on students, or teachers, or testing. It takes a mix of public and private sector solutions and more radical collaboration.

This is why in East Africa we have applied a holistic systems lens to our education investment work. We invest across an ecosystem that includes students, parents, teachers, and schools for more effective outcomes.

East Africa Education Facility

In East Africa, many poor families struggle to afford the cost of education. We invest in education startups that have the greatest impact on education qualityand access for low-income students.

Meet our education investees

problem: Education

region: Pakistan

Offering financial services to low-cost private schools to improve the quality of education

problem: Education

region: Pakistan

Creating access to affordable, high-quality private education for low-income families in Pakistan

problem: Workforce

region: America

A technology training program that removes traditional barriers and makes a software developer career available to all

problem: Education

region: India

Improving learning outcomes in India’s low-income schools through an experiential math curriculum

problem: Education

region: India

A holistic English-language curriculum for low-income students and ongoing teacher support

problem: Workforce

region: India

Training youth from India’s rural areas and matching them with entry-level jobs in the formal sector

problem: Education

region: East Africa

Kenya's first and only dedicated free-to-air children’s learning TV channel

problem: Education

region: East Africa

Providing loans to low-fee private schools to improve infrastructure and services

problem: Education

region: East Africa

Using technology to help schools grade, analyze performance, and generate reports

problem: Education

region: East Africa

Improving the quality of education and promoting an inclusive teaching economy

problem: Education

region: East Africa

Reducing administrative burdens for teachers, parents, and administrators

problem: Workforce

region: Latin America

A for-profit social enterprise focused on creating and implementing experiential learning programs


Kenya Education Market Research Summary

Entrepreneurs and investors need reliable, clear market insights to inform decision-making. However, there is a lack of this data in Kenya. To address this need, Acumen led a process to gather market-oriented insights on the desires, motivations, perceptions, and willingness to pay for key education stakeholders.

More about Acumen