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Man sorts plantains into crates on a banana farm in Colombia

We’re building a fairer future for workers by preparing them for the job market, improving working conditions, and creating dignified jobs.

  • India
  • Latin America
  • West Africa

Our global impact in workforce

lives impacted by our workforce investees
deployed for workforce solutions
companies supported since 2012
years of experience in the sector

Dignity for workers

Decent jobs open up a world of possibilities for people living in poverty.

More than 27 million young adults in Latin America are unemployed or underemployed. They leave school unprepared for the job market, which keeps them stuck in a cycle of poverty. Innovative technologies offer youth critical skills that help them secure employment.

The informal waste collection industry in India is a major source of income for millions of people living in poverty. Workers are exposed to unsafe and hazardous environments, and lack standard labor protections. Formalization and improved working conditions can help revolutionize the green jobs transition.

Workforce rates in West Africa have been steadily declining since 2000, where most families live on less than $3.20 per day. In fact, nearly 80% of youth are unemployed or underemployed, many of them women. Creating and improving job conditions can help lift these young people out of poverty.

Three female farmers pose happily in a farm grove
Two workers listen intently to lecture on construction practices in India
Woman walks through West African village while carrying basket of cocoa pods on her head

Green Growth Initiative

We’re re-imagining India’s green job revolution by investing in companies serving the millions of informal workers in the waste management system. Through formalization, technological efficiencies, and enhanced working conditions, our investees create sustainable and dignified employment while reinforcing environmental impact.

Workforce solutions in action

Explore case studies from our portfolio of workforce innovations.

People and planet

Transforming the world of work calls us to put vulnerable communities at the center and solve for the problems they face.

More about Acumen