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Farmer's hands hold ripe red peppers in a greenhouse enclosure

We invest in scalable agribusinesses that improve the lives of smallholder farmers through market access and climate adaptation support.

  • Program
  • Agriculture
  • East Africa
  • India
  • Latin America
  • West Africa

Over five years, our goal is to help smallholder farmers and food systems flourish.

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will be deployed for agricultural solutions
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companies will be supported on their journeys
012 M
lives will be reached with improved services
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of farmers will see increased incomes

Agribusinesses working together for smallholder farmers

We invest in four business models that help farmers with market access, land tenure, high-quality inputs, extension, infrastructure and equipment, and finance.

Aggregators, processors, cooperatives, and vertically-integrated brands that source from smallholders to improve their resilience and support regenerative farming

Group of workers spray pesticides in a West African crop field

Resilient. Farmers. Investing to Overcome the Climate Crisis

This report shares farmers’ perspectives on climate change and agricultural platform offerings so agribusinesses and investors can help smallholder farmersbecome climate resilient.

Two men walk across flooded field along Lake Naivasha, Kenya

Our partners