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Father and son stand in a rural Pakistani field

Operating out of Islamabad, we invest in social entrepreneurs paving the way for sustainable development in Pakistan's agricultural landscape.

  • Agriculture

Our impact in Pakistan

$ – 01 – 0123456 M
deployed for breakthrough innovations
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lives reached through market-based solutions
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Academy alumni dedicated to social change

Smart farming for stronger food systems

Agriculture is the engine of Pakistan’s economy, employing half its labor force. But as one of the most climate-vulnerable countries in the world, building resilience for smallholder farmers is essential. We invest in solutions that increase farmer incomes and help mitigate the impact of climate catastrophes.

Pakistan’s agrarian economy employs half its labor force but is hindered by fragmented value chains. Despite 70% of the rural population relying on agriculture, productivity lags behind global averages, with substantial crop and dairy losses due to inadequate storage facilities. Our strategy aims to fortify agricultural resilience through improved value chains and access to finance.

Woman sits underneath a tree in a Pakistani garden
A child uses a tablet underneath a tree in a school yard, while a teacher looks on
Acumen Academy

Pakistan Fellowship

Leaders learn skills and get support to solve problems of poverty as part of a community of 161 Fellows.

Meet the leaders of the future.

The Foundry is our global community of more than 1,600 alumni. Accompanied with the tools, connections, and capital required to scale their impact, theseleaders draw on shared wisdom and experience as they navigate the often difficult path of social entrepreneurship.

Our Foundry

Building Connections across Pakistan’s Agri Ecosystem

Acumen Pakistan hosted an agriculture accelerator in 2023 to identify innovative agri-leaders tackling Pakistan’s food and climate challenges head-on. Readhow one agri-tech startup is creating market linkages for smallholder farmers within the value chain.

A field of trees and yellow flowers beneath the tree line.

Our investees

problem: Education

region: Pakistan

Creating access to affordable, high-quality private education for low-income families in Pakistan

problem: Education

region: Pakistan

Offering financial services to low-cost private schools to improve the quality of education

problem: Education

region: Pakistan

Helping marginalized students realize their career dreams

Don’t just take our word for it.

The proof is in the progress. From Islamabad to Karachi, companies in Pakistan are moving the needle on problems of poverty.

Our team

office: Islamabad

Pakistan Country Director

office: Islamabad

Portfolio Associate

office: Islamabad

Portfolio Associate

office: Islamabad

Manager, Finance

More about Acumen

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