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Three farmers stand outside of a Kheyti greenhouse on a Indian farm

Rooted in Mumbai since 2001, we invest in off-grid energy, resilient agriculture, and dignity of work.

  • Agriculture
  • Energy
  • Workforce

Our impact in India

deployed for breakthrough innovations
companies supported on their journey
lives reached through market-based solutions
Academy alumni dedicated to social change

The world’s most populous country can change the trajectory of global poverty.

India’s population is expected to reach 1.5 billion by 2030 and 176 million people currently live below the poverty line. We’re scaling up investments to lift communities out of poverty.

Ninety percent of India’s 500 million workers are informally employed and experience unsafe, unstable working conditions. We’re creating sustainable and dignified employment opportunities for vulnerable workers.

Nearly 85% of India’s farmers practice smallholder farming, which generates unstable incomes and exposes them to climate threats. We help smallholder farmers increase yields and incomes with climate-resilient practices and access to markets.

Many rural areas in India have inconsistent electricity that costs 60 million micro-entrepreneurs potential income. We’re investing in clean, productive energy solutions that increase incomes for rural households.

Farmer stares intently within a Kheyti greenhouse in India
Worker inspects flowers prior to drying on solar drying rack in India
Woman smiles as she holds her solar powered lamp

Repairing broken systems, one idea at a time

We don’t have to settle for the status quo. The solutions to poverty exist and they’re within our reach.

Don’t just take our word for it.

The proof is in the progress. From Bangalore to Mumbai, Indian companies are moving the needle on problems of poverty.

Meet the leaders of the future.

The Foundry is our global community of more than 1,600 alumni. Accompanied with the tools, connections, and capital required to scale their impact, these leaders draw on shared wisdom and experience as they navigate the often difficult path of social entrepreneurship.

Partnering for impact

Creating change at scale flows from the power of community. We achieve more when we work together.

Ikea Foundation Logo
Primark Log
Rohini Nilekani Philanthropies

Change is the domain of us all.

Building a world based on dignity encompasses many people and paths. Join us.