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Latin America

Two indegenous farmers relax in the breeze while riding a small boat through a rural Colombia river

Based in Bogota since 2013, we invest in agribusiness, workforce development, off-grid energy, and sustainable agriculture in post-conflict regions.

  • Agriculture
  • Energy
  • Workforce

Our impact in Latin America

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deployed for breakthrough innovations
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companies supported on their journey
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lives reached through market-based solutions
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Academy alumni dedicated to social change

A region brimming with local talent

Despite incredible progress, 30% of Latin America’s population still can’t afford to cover their basic needs or feed their families. The most robust solutions are built from the ground up, so we invest in companies and grassroots organizations most proximate to problems of poverty.

Millions of smallholder farmers in the region are weathering broken supply chains, the effects of climate change, and political instability after years of conflict in Colombia. We invest in companies that boost rural incomes by integrating farmers into supply chains and providing them with technical assistance, market access, and fair prices.

Farmer carefully examines and picks coffee beans on Colombian farm

Repairing broken systems, from the ground up

We don’t have to settle for the status quo. The solutions to poverty exist and they are within our reach.

Our investees

problem: Agriculture

region: Latin America

Purchasing and processing coffee beans from smallholders in post-conflict areas

problem: Agriculture

region: Latin America

Bridging the gap between smallholder farmers and the formal financial sector in Colombia

problem: Energy

region: Latin America

Offering solar energy services for rural homes in Colombia

problem: Workforce

region: Latin America

A training, certification and job placement program increasing incomes and opportunities for Latin America’s unemployed youth

problem: Agriculture

region: Latin America

A Peruvian producer of organic snacks that sources raw materials from the country’s smallholder farmers

problem: Workforce

region: Latin America

A for-profit social enterprise focused on creating and implementing experiential learning programs

problem: Agriculture

region: Latin America

An aggregator and distributor linking smallholder farmers to markets

problem: Agriculture

region: Latin America

Sourcing indigenous fruits from smallholder farmers in post-conflict regions in Colombia

problem: Agriculture

region: Latin America

Connecting smallholder farmers to urban consumers through e-commerce

problem: Agriculture

region: Latin America

Producing and marketing premium chocolate from smallholder farmers in post-conflict areas

problem: Agriculture

region: Latin America

Linking organic cacao farmers with specialty chocolate makers to maximize incomes

Don’t just take our word for it.

The proof is in the progress. From Bogota to Motagua Valley, Latin American companies are moving the needle on problems of poverty.

Meet the leaders of the future.

The Foundry is our global community of more than 1,600 alumni. Accompanied with the tools, connections, and capital required to scale their impact, theseleaders draw on shared wisdom and experience as they navigate the often difficult path of social entrepreneurship.

Our Foundry

Rebuilding the social fabric in post-conflict Colombia

In the wake of its 50-year armed conflict, we are building a network of entrepreneurs, Fellows, and Partners to support Colombia’s transition to long-lastingpeace.

Our team

office: Bogotá

Gender & Diversity Specialist

office: Bogotá

Administrative Assistant

office: Bogotá

Senior Associate, Digital Marketing

office: Bogotá

Associate Director Acumen Latin America

office: Bogotá

Engagement and Outreach Associate

office: Bogotá

Course Operations, Academy, Senior Associate

office: Bogotá

Portfolio Senior Associate

office: Bogotá

Latin America Associate Director

office: Bogotá

Portfolio Analyst

office: Bogotá

Leadership Analyst

office: Bogotá

Portfolio Sr. Associate

office: Bogotá

Senior Associate for Fellowship Program

Partnering for impact

Creating change at scale stems from the power of community. We achieve more when we work together.

USAid Logo
Fundation Santo Domingo
Posse Herrera Ruiz Logo
Fundacion Grupo Bancolombia

Change is the domain of us all.

Building a world based on dignity encompasses many people and paths. Make your mark.

Partner with us

We partner with foundations, governments, and corporations to generate insights, create influence, and scale change.