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Colombia Acumen Fellows: Transforming the Way Colombia Builds Peace

On November 24, 2016, the Colombian government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-FARC, signed a historic agreement for the definitive termination of decades of violent conflict in the country. The Peace Agreement was made after almost 5 years of negotiations between the parties. But, since the Agreement, Colombia has remained polarized between those who … Continued

Productive Power to the People: Simusolar is Transforming How Tanzania’s Farmers Work

Acumen’s latest  investment, Simusolar, is catalyzing a new form of power for Tanzania’s off-grid communities: affordable solar-powered appliances. For years, the promise of low-income customers, like smallholder farmers, gaining access to energy products beyond solar lanterns and lighting systems has been a hot topic. Now, Simusolar—which sells, distributes, and finances solar equipment like water pumps … Continued

International Women’s Day 2019: Spotlight on India

This Women’s Day arrives in the midst of incredible momentum in the fight for gender equality across the globe. Women are joining forces, making their voices heard and changing conversations to create a more just future. This year, we’re putting the spotlight on India, where over the last several months, women have organized massive demonstrations … Continued

Invirtiendo para la Prosperidad Rural en Colombia

Acumen es una organización que busca cambiar la forma en que el mundo aborda los retos de la pobreza. Como alternativa a la filantropía tradicional, impulsamos la inversión en empresas sociales rentables que benefician a poblaciones de bajos ingresos.  Desde nuestra fundación hace 17 años, hemos invertido más de 115 millones de dólares en 113 empresas … Continued

Acumen Fellows Share their Stories at TEDWomen

In November of last year, Acumen Fellows Ashweetha Shetty and Shad Begum were invited to take the stage at TEDWomen and share their personal stories of becoming changemakers in their communities. TEDWomen is an annual conference that spotlights amazing women who are showing up, speaking out and pushing boundaries to catalyze social change. Ashweetha Shetty … Continued